Colour Calibration

Colour Metrology is a company specializing in the colour and appearance industry, providing solutions for clients who demand accurate and repeatable colour results and matches. We help people in the colour industry achieve consistent colours.
Some of the industries we serve: Paint manufacturers, dye stuff manufacturers, ink manufacturers, printers, master batch manufacturers, screen printers, auto parts manufacturers, textile studios, coil coaters, sealant manufacturers, plastic injection moulders, paper mills, food manufacturers, furniture manufacturers, flexo packaging manufacturers, glass manufacturers, security identification manufacturers, bank note printers, flexo film manufacturers, textile manufacturers, research facilities, universities, hospitals

About Us

At Colour Metrology, our primary focus is calibration and certification of hardware and software systems designed to quantify colour and unify appearance. We specialize in the colour and appearance industry, providing solutions for clients who demand accurate and repeatable colour results and matches. The company was launched to serve businesses and individuals with challenges in colour space. 

Mission Statement

At Colour Metrology we work to help people and businesses across Canada produce and see the exact colour they desire. 


At Colour Metrology we work to help people and businesses across Canada produce and reproduce the exact colour they desire.

We bring over 22 years’ of industry experience to our clients, and we’d like to share this experience with you. We have been factory trained in North America and Europe.

Our areas of expertise are:

Sales, Repairs, Calibration and Certification of Colour and Appearance Measuring Hardware and Software Systems.


Schedule A Call



Open Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

Contact Us

Colour Metrology

12-1064 Salk Rd, Suite 251

Pickering, ON  L1W4B5

P: 416-238-1657 

Email: [email protected]